tattoo lesson no.1
'my dear friend, pomelo anderson'
Blackcat Tattoo Studio, Sunway Pyramid, August 2008
f r a m e d b y j u l i a n o h at 3:46 AM 4 d o t s p e r i n c h
so...chon and i managed a great saturday together...a kinda saturday we havent had in abit...and no...this time it wasnt me...this time round...SHE'S been's us camwhoring in palate pallete during brunch...after that we went flea-marketing...then tattoo-shop-visiting...and then...i forgot...
f r a m e d b y j u l i a n o h at 12:10 AM 4 d o t s p e r i n c h
dear santa,
i have been a very good boy this year :P what i really really really want for christmas is a D700. if you are not too sure which is the D700(im just afraid youre not a camera fan, therefore you might not be familiar with it), the picture below is what the model looks like. oh by the way santa, it is a nikon ok?
julian oh
f r a m e d b y j u l i a n o h at 4:44 PM 3 d o t s p e r i n c h
i just got a new tattoo this evening at Black Cat Tattoo Studio, this time i got Kevin to work on it, Kevin has got enough skills to just impress you. the idea struck me on friday nite when i was talking to Carol about the idea of having conviction in every decision that you make. as i was thinking about if further, i recognize that its really one of the principles that i have based my life on. i decided to get it inked permanently on my basically into oldskool design tats, but i really didnt want oldskool fonts tattooed on my knuckles as i felt that for lettering as strong as the word 'conviction', you'd really need a font which was really bold in black shading. so i went looking for fonts and i found a russian text-styled font which i felt was really bold and strong. i decided with getting the word 'conviction' by dropping out all the vowels...cos i only have eight fingers (minus the thumbs), i only included the first 'o' so that the whole word became more obvious. check it out...
f r a m e d b y j u l i a n o h at 4:10 AM 3 d o t s p e r i n c h