Thursday, May 31, 2007


um...ive been tagged by joey...i like the first question...i think i have the most diversed answers among those he tagged here goes...

4 Jobs I've had in my life

1. photo retoucher
2. mechanic (yeah i know you guys are laughing your balls off at this...)
3. 'club ambassador' (promoter lah)
4. art director

4 Movies I can watch over and over again
1. mike's apartment
2. shawshank redemption
3. napoleon dynamite
4. badboys

4 Places I've been on Vacation
1. krabi
2. new zealand
3. britain
4. china

4 Of my Favorite Dishes
1. bak kut teh
2. char siew
3. pai guat wong
4. marmite pai guat

4 Places I would like to Visit
1. cambodia
2. bora bora
3. india
4. terengganu

4 Most overused Words
1. tiu
2. fuck
3. nonsense
4. mahai

4 TV Shows I love to Watch
1. prison break
2. csi
3. how do they do that
4. mythbusters

4 Bloggers I am Tagging
1. carol
2. jess
3. bee
4. shit...i dunno any other bloggers...


joey.khor said...

haha, yes i was laffing my balls of with the mechanic. :P eh, you sad la, you want friends is it? take from my bloglist la. kesian oni.

jwhx said...

i just wondering where is bora bora?

Moolah said...

me! me!

justbee said...

1. bak kut teh
2. char siew
3. pai guat wong
4. marmite pai guat


"how do they do that"

it's a tv show?? what about??

Kitty said...
